Web Site Optimization Resources
Integrated Web Site Optimization Resources to bring your site to the next level

Employing our Web Site Optimization Resources, you can easily concentrate on your web site’s popularity right from your personal Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you will get a comprehensive sitemap for your website within a few minutes. You can easily publish the sitemap to major search engines so they can crawl your site as soon as possible. Additionally, from the RSS News instrument, you’re able to deploy consistently refreshed publications on your web site, which is actually a guarantee for greater listing positions with search engines. Our GeoIP redirection application will assist you to direct customers coming from a particular place towards a particular language version of your web site for more precise marketing end results.
A Sitemap Generator
Make a sitemap with all your webpages a click of the mouse
The fastest method of getting your newly launched site indexed in the search engines will be to send a sitemap. The sitemap records the whole set of web pages on your website and by posting it to a particular search engine, you inform it that you like those pages to be crawled as quickly as possible. Sitemaps are usually built by 3rd party applications. Nonetheless, with Namelisk, you no longer need to move from the Control Panel. Our inhouse developed Sitemap Generator is incorporated within the Advanced Resources area and will set up a sitemap on your behalf in a click.
All you have to do is select the max amount of web pages you wish to be listed, the depth of the crawled URLs as well as the format of the sitemap file.
GeoIP Redirection
Geo location–based redirections with just a mouse click
Namelisk provides you with an excellent way to re–direct your visitors based on their location. From the GeoIP redirection application, you could redirect all the customers who arrive from a specific location to a native language variant of your web site. For example, if you’ve got an Italian version of your web site, you can easily forward all the customers from Italy to that particular web page rather than asking them to move to Italian as soon as they open the English version. This enables you to present your clients with an intuitive on–line stay from the very start.
It is not necessary for virtually any special abilities or technical expertise to use the GeoIP re–direction tool. Everything is configured with a click of the mouse.
RSS News
Present the most up–to–date news within your web site
In the Namelisk Control Panel, we have incorporated a tool, which lets you insert news from the trusted media channels in the world inside your sites, with just a click of the mouse. Our News Syndication application operates on auto–pilot and won’t call for any extra configuration work on your end,
The RSS News module is easy to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You are able to modify the quantity of publication bits that will be showcased, exactly how they will appear like, how they will be ordered, etcetera.