A ticketing system is the most widespread means of communication that web hosting companies offer to their clients. It is most often part of the billing account and is the fastest way to deal with a problem that takes a certain amount of time to examine or that has to be forwarded to an admin. In this way, all responses provided by either party will be kept in one and the same location in case somebody else wants to work on the issue at hand and the information in the ticket will be available to all parties. The drawback of deploying a ticketing system with most hosting platforms is that it’s separate from the web hosting Control Panel, so you will need to sign in and out of at least 2 accounts in order to perform some task or to contact the company’s client service staff. If you wish to administer a handful of domain names and each one of them is hosted in a different account, you’ll have to use even more accounts simultaneously. Furthermore, it could take a substantial span of time for the hosting provider to respond to your ticket.

Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Web Hosting

The ticketing system that we use for our Linux cloud web hosting packages is not separate from the hosting account. It is included in our all-inclusive Hepsia Control Panel and you’ll be able to visit it whenever you want with only a few clicks of the mouse, without having to sign out of your web hosting account. The ticketing system comes with a quick-search field, which will help you track down de facto any support ticket that you have already sent, if needed. Plus, you can see knowledge base articles that are relevant to different problem categories, which you can select, so you can find out how to deal with a particular issue even before you post a ticket. The response time is no more than 1 hour, so you can obtain prompt assistance at any particular moment and if our client service staff advises you to do something inside your account, you can do it instantly without needing to leave the Control Panel.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

In case you have a semi-dedicated server account with us and you want to get in touch with our customer service staff representatives, you’ll be able to submit a trouble ticket directly from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of going through an entirely different customer support platform like you’ll have to do with most hosting providers on the market. Our integrated trouble ticket system will permit you to send a new ticket without any hassle and to browse through older tickets using a clever search filter. Also, you will be able to take a look at the applicable knowledgebase articles that our system will present you with based on the problem category that you choose for your new ticket. You can accomplish all the abovementioned things without leaving your Control Panel at any moment, which suggests that in case you encounter any challenge or have an enquiry, you can touch base with our support engineers and resolve the specific issue in no more than sixty minutes through a single support platform.